The 10 minute daily reflection is for children aged KS2 upwards. If your faced with challenging behaviour, use this resource to help individuals reflect on their emotions and develop empathy for others around them.
This Zones of Regulation Display can be used with classes of any age to encourage regular emotional check-ins. This encourages learners to develop a greater understanding of their own emotions and develop compassion and empathy in their interactions with others.
This resource includes a Canva link on the last page, so purchasers are able to make a copy and add/delete rows as required. You can use velcro tape to make the display interactive (please see the image attached).
This is a Microsoft Form available to duplicate. I use this as a daily check in with my Year 5 students, however, it could be edited to suit any primary/lower secondary age range.
The link to duplicate the form is on page 5 of the pdf.
27 rubrics intended for us with Google Classroom (however, could be used separately) in Excel format.
The rubrics included are as follows:
Experiment Write Up
Comparing Places
Graphic source Diagrams
Explanation Texts
Information booklets
Instructional Texts
Persuasive Text
Plot and Character
Science Health App
RACES Response
Science Presentation
Fact Files
Blog Posts
and more!